Friday, June 29, 2007

Newberry Honor Book pictures of hollis woods

I have read many of Patricia Reilly Giff's books but none have hit more deeply than this one. Hollis Woods was named after the location of the New York city street where she was left as a baby. Hollis has grown to have a tough veneer because of all the her placements in "appropriate" homes. She has mastered the art of detachment though in her heart she really wants to belong. Hollis continually runs from the homes because basically the supposed trusted people are indifferent to her. She is a budding artist and continually draws her life both in her mind and on paper. She is placed with the Regan family who have a summer cabin on the Delaware River. The old man, Izzy his wife and Steven the son slowly become what Hollis believes will be a true family until an accident makes Hollis decide she needs to leave.

She is next placed with a movie star beautiful woman named Josie. Here a magnificant journey begins for Hollis as she learns not only possessed the gift of art, she also possessed the gift of love. More adventure happens when Hollis that lead Hollis to run away again but this time she takes Josie with her. She runs to the only place she ever felt was her real home which is the cabin by the Delware river.

I don't want to say what happens in the end as it would truly ruin the excitement of the book. I felt this was an endearing story that I actually cried when I finished the book! I work in a school where so many of our students are exactly like Hollis. I identified with her from the first glimspe of her personality. It breaks my heart to see these cast off children that people in our society have created. I would highly recommend this book!

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