Friday, June 29, 2007

Books to Movies Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I have to begin this by saying I am an avid Harry Potter fan. I have read every book in the series at least 5 times. I have lengthy discussions with other Potter maniacs about the fate of young Harry Potter as well as the supporting characters. I am anticipating as well as dreading the final book. I hope to have all my questions answered but am saddened knowing this is the last book. My children are big fans also. We have almost every book on CD and listen to them as we do our travel baseball in the summer. We are currently listening to the 6th book (The Half Blood Prince) hoping to finish by the time Deathly Hallows debut's.
Now that you know about my fetish I will talk about the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I went to see this movie with some students and Potter maniac teachers from my school. We prepared for this for weeks. All of we teachers had been pleased so far with the previous movies turned to books so we felt we would probably love the new movie. We couldn't have been more wrong. I was so disappointed in this movie. I realize there is so much material to cover but what was left out was unbelievable. We felt if you didn't know the story you would be lost by the happenings. I have since found that people who did not know the story were sadly none the wiser and actually enjoyed the movie. Personally I would have been willing to sit for hours if the movie did the book justice. I would have even gone in for two movies about the book. I think about other long books made to movies and know that some fell short of covering the material. Actually the only long book to movie that did not disappoint me was The Godfather.

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