Friday, June 29, 2007

Laurence Yep

I chose to read the book Ribbons by Yep. I have a connection with this book as my mother was a dancer and she also was my dance teacher for a time. The story is about a young Asian American girl named Robin. She has a passion for ballet dancing but has to quit because of financial concerns in the family. To make matters worse her maternal grandmother moves in the house and Robin's parents seem to be at odds with each other. The grandmother becomes very upset when she sees Robin's feet where her toes are beginning to turn under and the grandmother throws a fit. She demands that Robin give her the toe shoes and expresses her disapproval with Robin dancing. The mother agrees and tells Robin she can not dance any more until she is seen by a doctor. Robin begins a hateful campaign against her grandmother until she accidentally discovers the secret why her grandmother is so concerned for Robin's feet. Of course in this book there is a happy ending and two generations become acquainted with each other and form a respect for what the other has had to go through.
This is the only book by Laurence Yep that I have read. I am most familiar with his My America series books. While I was in the elementary school these were the books my students would check out the most. I love reading about different cultures and Yep did not disappoint. I think it is so important for young adults to learn about customs of other ethnic groups.

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