Friday, June 29, 2007

Books to Movies Charlotte's Web

When I was a little girl, back in the dark ages, one of the first books I can remember reading was Charlotte's Web by E. B. White. I was lucky to be a good reader at an early age so I read this book when I was quite young. The story of animals talking was particularly appealing to me as I am an avid animal lover. I remember when the animated version of this book came out and it did not disappoint me as it was true to the book and the characters were portrayed exactly as I thought they would be. The recent release of the movie of Charlotte's Web also is a delight. I love movies that show what animal life is about. I can't imagine how hard it is to get animals to "look" like they are acting but felt this was accomplished in this film.
Charlotte's Web is a beautiful story of friendship and devotion both of the animals and the humans that love them. I even love the swarmy character of Templeton who in the end turns out to be not such a bad rat. I would recommend this movie to young and old alike.

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